
Birds eye view of the Concept Design


Overview of the designs

This page shows the project study area and provides high level birds eye views of the proposals for Ardrossan Connections.

Map showing the area that Sustrans will take through detailed design and construction. This includes part of Princes St, Glasgow St, Barr St and North Crescent Rd. Thisis the area that all the design proposals you can view today are for. It also shows the National Cycle Network route that North Ayrshire Council are designing through other projects through the old shell site. And finally shows the area that Sustrans are developing to concept design level and will then be handed over to North Ayrshire Council  later in 2022. The concept design for this will be presented to the community later in 2022.

The image above highlights the area that the proposals have been developed for and Sustrans will take through detailed design and construction. This includes part of Princes St, Glasgow St, Barr St and North Crescent Road.

Design Objectives

The following design objectives were developed from key themes that came out of what the community have told us is important to them and should be addressed in the designs.

Objective 1

Provide a safe, accessible, attractive and connected National Cycle Network route through the centre of Ardrossan.

Objective 2

Create a National Cycle Network route and public realm in the centre of Ardrossan that work well together with other elements of Ardrossan’s transport infrastructure.

Objective 3

Celebrate Ardrossan’s identity and create a welcoming and attractive public realm in the centre of Ardrossan.

Objective 4

Create a National Cycle Network route through Ardrossan that is coordinated with other development projects being progressed in the town.

Have your say?

The next three images show an overview of the designs. They have been split into three locations. Then share your views below and on the more detailed proposals. You can also view the designs by watching this video: Ardrossan Connections Walking & Wheeling Audit: Bird’s eye view of the Concept Design - YouTube  

North Crescent Road 

The first section displays North Crescent Road. The design proposes a planted gateway to Ardrossan, retaining the viewing point before you enter the town. As you enter Ardrossan, a town sign would be displayed and there would be traffic calming measures to slow traffic as it enters the town. The shared use path that is there already would be improved and be 4 metres wide. This path would have connections to side roads and rest points with benches along the way. The path would link to the North Shore coastal path, which is being developed by North Ayrshire Council in the North Shore Development. This will allow continuity experience for the user. The exact routing of the shared-use path will seek to avoid the existing historic dyke.

Barr St

The second section of the proposed designs focuses on the link from Glasgow Street to the North Shore, via Barr Street. We are proposing that Barr Street is one of the main active travel links to North Shore. There would be parallel parking on Barr Street; a pedestrian crossing across Barr Street, just after the junction with Glasgow Street. Proposals show one way segregated cycle lanes and a widened footway around the fire station. There would be continuous footways across Kilmahew Street and Road. Continuous footways are when the pavement extends over the road at junctions, providing high level of priority to pedestrians. This plan also shows proposals for the North Shore development, which is being delivered by North Ayrshire Council. From Barr Street the National Cycle Network Route will link to a 4 metre wide shared use path at the coast.

Princes St & Glasgow St

The third section of the design overview shows the proposed designs for Glasgow Street and Princes Street. On Glasgow Street, there are proposals for more crossings - suggestions for locations of these are: Proposed New signal controlled crossing near Castle Hill access steps and North Shore active travel link. Retained signal-controlled crossing at church on Glasgow St but with reduced crossing distances. Proposed new informal crossing near Jaipur on Glasgow St. Proposed New zebra crossing near Glasgow Street’s shops. Please note, not all these crossings will be in the final designs, we would like your views on where they should go. Glasgow Street would also be a more attractive place to spend time in, with the castle entrance being celebrated, more greenery and placemaking at the greenspace by the shops and a green link to the North Shore Campus. More details about these spaces can be found in the 'Designs for areas you could spend time in' section. There would be one way, segreagted cycles lanes on Glasgow Street. One Princes Street there would be a link to the new harbour, more greenery and the cross roads of PRines Street and Glasgow Street will be safer to cross by foot and cycle. Floating bus stops would allow more space for people to wait. Princes Street would have a two-way cycle lane on one side of the road, which would be segregated. There would be increased accessible parking on Princes Street and traffic calming measures to encourage drivers to slow down as they enter town. Improved connections to South Beach promenade, including a pedestrian crossing and formalised parking is suggested here, to allow a safe separation from pedestrians

*Please note all designs are subject to further design development.

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